Void/No Transfer a 4473 after a background check has been started and before a response is received

Written by Jarad on June 5, 2023

When a background check is started during the 4473 process the results of the background check must be entered into Q27.a, b, c, and d. The transferor/seller cannot Void/No Transfer a 4473 without the complete background check information.

If the transferee/buyer or the transferor/seller decide to Void/No Transfer the 4473 for any reason, including if the transferee/buyer is delayed, after the background check is started the transferor/seller will have to wait for a response from the background check system or for 3 days to be able to Void/No Transfer the 4473.

In FastBound, when an item is attached to a pending 4473 or any other pending disposition it cannot be added to another 4473 or pending disposition.

If the transferor/seller needs to transfer the item on a pending 4473 to another transferee/buyer before they receive a response from the background check system and before the 3 day wait has completed, the transferor/seller can answer “No response was provided within 3 business days” in Q27.d.

FFLGuard recommends the transferor/seller puts a note in Q32 saying why the 4473 is being completed as a Void/No Transfer. Here is an example: “Transferee/Buyer was delayed and didn’t want to wait”.

After a 4473 has all of the required information entered the transferor/seller will be able to Void/No Transfer the 4473.

Void/No Transfer 4473’s MUST be printed or stored electronically and filled numerically.

If the 4473 was void/no transferred before the final response to the background check was received the transferor/seller may need to correct the 4473 after the final response is received.

  • If the transferor/seller doesn’t receive a response in 3 days then no changes need to be made to the 4473.

  • If the transferor/seller does get a response the transferor/seller will need to fix Q27.d on the printed 4473 or in the transferor/seller’s electronic storage system.