Fix a 4473 after the transaction has been completed

Written by Jarad on March 20, 2023

Corrections to the original printed 4473 cannot be made if the firearms(s) have been transferred to the transferee/buyer.

If the transferor/seller or the transferee/buyer discover that a 4473 (or an e-4473) has a mistake or has been improperly completed after the firearm has been transferred, corrections must be made on a copy of the original 4473 or in your electronic 4473 storage system if you have one.

If the transferee/buyer answered a disqualifying question (answered “no” to question 21.a; the transferee/buyer answered “yes” to questions 21.b. – 21.m.; the transferee/buyer answered “yes” to question 21.n.1., and answered “no” to question 21.n.2.) the 4473 cannot be corrected. The transferor/seller MUST stop the transaction and cannot start a background check.

Corrections to sections B and D can only be made by the transferee/buyer. If the transferee/buyer has already left, the transferee/buyer must return to make their corrections.

Corrections to sections A, C and E can only be made by the transferor/seller.

The proper procedure to correct the error is to make a copy of the page with the error then correct the error on the copy. The person making the correction must line out the error, enter the correction, then initial and Date the correction. After the correction has been made the page with the correction must be attached to the original 4473.

The corrections made on the 4473 must match the disposition record in FastBound.

ATF’s long-standing position had been that a photocopy of the entire Form was to be made when making a correction. On January 8, 2020, FFLGuard received — in writing from ATF — that only affixing the page of correction was necessary. This more economical and conservation-conscious method of F4473 corrections should be utilized by all FFLGuard clients going forward.

If the firearm(s) have not been transferred to the transferee/buyer, corrections can be made on the original 4473. See our help documentation on fixing the 4473 while the buyer is still here.